Enrolment Information

Enrolment Form

Nightcliff Middle School accepts students living in Nightcliff, Coconut Grove, Rapid Creek, Millner, Jingili, Alawa and Moil.

Students residing outside of this feeder zone will be considered upon application.

Enrolment packs can be obtained from reception during office hours (7:45am – 3:30pm on school days).

New enrolments are required to provide birth certificate or equivalent (and passport if born outside of Australia), proof of address, details of any medical conditions, emergency contact details, immunisation record and previous school records. Further details can be found on the NT Department of Education website at www.education.nt.gov.au.

We also encourage families to make a voluntary contribution to financially supplement the services provided at Nightcliff Middle School. The suggested amount is $120 per year (only $3 a week). Contributions go towards items such as  administrative costs, sporting equipment, resources for elective subjects, science consumables and library purchases. Your support and contribution to our school is gratefully appreciated.